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"To protect and to serve: developing a road map for research data management services", Insights - 35: 4, pages 1–12 (February 2022), with co-authors Lorna Boon, Andrea Chiarelli, Ruth Mallalieu, Rob Johnson, Amie May and Rowan Wilson html Publication


"The KRDS Benefit Analysis Toolkit: Development and Application", International Journal of Digital Curation - Vol 7, No 2 (2012) pages 64-67 (December 2012), with co-authors Monica Duke,Catherine Hardman,Dipak Kalra,Brian Lavoie,Liz Lyon,Matthew Woollard PDF Publication


"Business Models and Cost Estimation: Dryad Repository Case Study", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects - (September 2010), with co-authors Lori Richards and Todd Vision, pages 365-370 print Publication


"Research Data Preservation and Access: The Views of Researchers", Ariadne - 60 (July 2009), with co-authors Robert Beagrie and Ian Rowlands html Publication


"Online Archival Sound Recordings from the British Library", ALISS Quarterly - Volume 2 No 2 (January 2007), print Publication


"Digital Curation for Science, Digital Libraries, and Individuals", International Journal of Digital Curation - Volume 1 (November 2006), pages 3-16 PDF Publication

"C21st Curation Spring 2006 Public Lecture Series", Ariadne - Issue 48 (July 2006), with co-author Helen Forde html Publication

"Managing Digital Information", Government Technology - volume 5.7 (July 2006), pages 25-7 print Publication

"Memories for Life: a review of the science and technology", Royal Society Interface Journal - Volume 3, Number 8 / June 22, 2006 Pages: 351 - 365 (June 2006), with co-authors Kieron O'Hara,Richard Morris,Nigel Shadbolt, Graham Hitch, and Wendy Hall pdf Publication

"Digital Policy Management Workshop", Ariadne - Issue 47 (April 2006), with co-author Mark Bide html Publication

"The Digital Library and its Services", Ariadne - Issue 47 (April 2006), with co-author Rachel Bruce html Publication

"National Digital Preservation Initiatives, An Overview of Developments in Australia, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom and of Related In", Archeion - , vol 107,ed. by D. Nalecz, Warsaw 2004 (March 2006), re-published in Polish from CLIR volume with permission from author and CLIR print Publication

"C21st Curation Summer 2005 Public Lecture Series", Ariadne - Issue 46 (January 2006), with co-author Helen Forde html Publication


"Development of Digital Preservation Environments by the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)", Local to Global Data Interoperability Challenges and Technologies IEEE Conference 2005 Proceedings - (December 2005), p74-7 with co-author Leona Carpenter pdf Publication

"A digital preservation handbook: best practice and its dissemination", Cahiers de la documentation - 2005/3 (September 2005), pg. 54-9 Publication

"Plenty of Room at the Bottom? Personal Digital Libraries and Collections", D-Lib Magazine - Volume 11 Number 6 (June 2005), html Publication

"Digital Preservation: Best Practice and its Dissemination", Ariadne - Issue 43 (April 2005), html Publication


"The Continuing Access and Digital Preservation Strategy for the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)", D-LibMagazine - Volume 10 Number 7/8 (August 2004), html Publication

"The Digital Curation Centre", Learned Publishing - Volume 17, Number 1 (January 2004), pdf Publication


"Web-archiving: Managing and Archiving Online Documents and Records", Ariadne - Issue 32 (July 2002), with co-author Philip Pothen html Publication

"The Digital Preservation Coalition in the UK", Testbed Digitale Bewaring Newsletter - (July 2002), \r Publication

"An Update on the Digital Preservation Coalition", D-Lib Magazine - Volume 8 Number 4 (April 2002), html Publication


"The Digital Curation: digital archives, digital libraries, and e-science, seminar", Ariadne - Issue 30 (December 2001), with co-author Philip Pothen html Publication

"Preserving UK digital library collections", Program - Volume 35, Number 3 (July 2001), pg. 217-226\r Publication


"Digital Preservation Conference: Report from York, UK", RLG DigiNews - Volume 4, Number 6 (December 2000), with co-author Robin Dale Publication

"The JISC Digital Preservation Focus and the Digital Preservation Coalition", New Review of Academic Librarianship - Volume 6 (January 2000), pg. 257-267\r Publication

"The British Experience in Preserving Digital Library Collections", LIBER Quarterly - Volume 10 (January 2000), pg. 367-375\r rtf Publication


"Report from the Warwick2 Digital Preservation Strategy Workshop", National Preservation Office Journal - Issue 4 (May 1999), pg. 5 [ISSN 1461 4154] Publication

"Convergence, Integration and Online Access: The Arts and Humanities Data Service Gateway and Catalogues", Museums and the Web 1999 selected papers from an international conference - (January 1999), Edited by David Bearman and Jennifer Trant [ISBN 1-885626-17-7] html Publication


"Joint RLG and NPO Conference on Guidelines for Digital Imaging", RLG DigiNews - Volume 2, Number 5 (October 1998), with co-author Nancy Elkington, [ISSN 1093-5371]. Re-printed in National Preservation Office Journal, Issue 3 January 1999, pg. 5-7, [ISSN 1461 4154]\r Publication

"Into the Future: The Challenge of Digital Preservation", Society of Archivists Newsletter - No. 112 (September 1998), pg. 8-9\r Publication

"Sixth DELOS Workshop: preservation of digital information", D-Lib - (August 1998), with co-author Michael Day html Publication

"Digital Preservation", Multimedia Information and Technology - vol 24 no. 3 (August 1998), pg. 173-4\r Publication

"Developing a Policy Framework for Digital Preservation", DELOS Working Group Reports - (June 1998), Sixth DELOS Workshop Preservation of Digital Information Tomar Portugal, ERCIM-98-W003 (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), pg 15-22\r html Publication

"DELOS6: Preservation of digital information", Ariadne - issue 16 (June 1998), with co-author Michael Day\r html Publication

"The Arts and Humanities Data Service: a multi-disciplinary resource for archaeologists", Museum Archaeologist - 24 (January 1998), in Museums for the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings Liverpool 1997, pg. 3-6 Publication

"Copyright and Access", Museum Archaeologist - 23 (January 1998), Conference Proceedings St Albans 1996, pg. 63-7\r Publication


"Making History: Copyright, Archaeology and Electronic Records", Computer Applications and Quantative Methods in Archaeology CAA 1997 Proceedings - (January 1997), Publication


"Excavations and Archives: Alternative Aspects of Cultural Resource Management" in Computer Applications and Quantative Methods in Archaeology CAA", Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia - 28 (January 1996), pg. 81-6 Publication


"Museum Collections, National Archaeological Indexes and Research: information resources, access and potential"", Museum Archaeology- What's New? Museum Archaeologist - vol 21 (January 1994), Conference Proceedings Edinburgh 1994, pg. 28-34 Publication


"The Computerisation of the National Archaeological Record", Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Science humaines - 29 (January 1993), pg. 9-16\r Publication


"The Archaeological Site Type Thesaurus", Thesauri for Museum Documentation - (January 1992), MDA Occasional Paper 18 (1992), pg. 43-52. with co-author Dawn Abercromby Publication